Why Play SCUBE?
A Fun game for the whole family:
SCUBE is a curiosity to discovery, visual perception frontal lobe game.
If you are between the ages of 3 and 103, you should enjoy, be entertained, kept engaged and be challenged by SCUBE.
SCUBE is an all-in-one App designed to help build important early math skills, starting with patterning, number recognition, counting tasks, then advancing to solving of 3D magic squares, magic cubes and magic geometric puzzles.
While playing SCUBE, it sneakily prepares you for a whole slew of skills and concepts, planning, sequencing, problem solving, all while enjoying a healthy mental work out.
SCUBE will not grow old!
Every member of your family will be challenged and when your pre-schooler is sitting for their PhD, they
will still find SCUBE to be a challenge.

SCUBE teaches!
Plato said “A child can only be taught if learning contains a measure of entertainment.”
Spatial intelligence: (Visualisation; Recognition; Reasoning; Awareness)
The ability to
mentally manipulate 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional figures.
- Spatial intelligence is a crucial tool required for many professions, yet relatively neglected at school.
- Spatial thinking is what you do when you visualize shapes in your “mind’s eye.”
Cognitive visual object recognition:
Object recognition is the ability for you to perceive an object’s physical properties (such
shape, colour and texture) and apply semantic attributes to the object, which includes the
understanding of its use, previous experience with the object and how it relates to others.
Pattern recognition:
Pattern recognition is a mature but exciting and fast developing field, which underpins
developments in cognate fields such as computer vision, image processing, text and document analysis and
neural networks.
- Pattern recognition is a cognitive process that happens in our brain when we match some information that we encounter with data stored in our memory.
- Pattern recognition has applications in statistical data analysis, signal processing, image analysis, information retrieval, bioinformatics, data compression, computer graphics and machine learning.
Shape context:
Shape context is a feature descriptor used in object recognition.
Motor skills:
A motor skill is an intentional movement involving a motor or muscular component that must
be learned and voluntarily produced to proficiently perform a goal-oriented task.
Many factors contribute to the ability and the rate that you develop your motor skills.
Patterns /Sorting/Sequencing /Counting /Numbers Recognition /Matching /Place Values /Problem Solving
/Dimensions /Visual Perception.
Why is SCUBE important in Mathematics?
SCUBE assist with: Arithmetic / Algebra / Abstract Algebra / Linear Algebra / Graph Theory / Game
Theory / Artificial Intelligence / Computer Programming / Topology / Cryptology / Optimization /
Number Theory / Probability.

Yes! The guy on the US $100 bill (Benjamin Franklin) was a genius with magic squares.
Download for Free
In App Purchases:
- Modules @ $1.99 ea.
- Full Pack @ $4.99 (all modules)
- Family Pack @ $5.99 (all modules + 4 players)
SCUBE APK from Google Play Store will work on most Chromebooks.